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6 Misconceptions Homeowners Have About Working With a Direct Buyer to Sell Their Home in Atlanta

When selling a home, many homeowners will assume that just hiring a real estate agent is the only option available to them. However, there’s a good alternative that you should consider when selling your home. Working with a direct buyer is an option that you can take if you want to sell your home quickly without any hassle. Direct buyers are people who buy a home directly from you, rather than going through a real estate agent. They can either be a company dedicated to buying homes in the area, or an individual investor. Even if it’s not a conventional method, it’s still one that’s effective for selling your home.  

Even with the potential benefits of selling your home to a home buyer, some people still have misconceptions about how it works. In this article, we’re going to debunk six of the more common ones, so you know exactly what it’s like working directly with a home buyer. 

Misconception Number One: 

“Direct buyers will only purchase your house if it’s in great condition.”

Many homeowners will think that direct buyers are only going to purchase homes that are ready to go right back on the market. This simply isn’t true, as many direct buyers will buy homes in any condition. There are even a few who specifically purchase homes in disrepair so that they can improve on them.  

Misconception Number Two:

“It’s more secure to work with a real estate agent than a direct buyer.”

Some people that are selling their home think that working with a direct buyer is not secure. Unfortunately, it’s a falsehood a lot of people believe, and working with a legitimate home buyer can be just as secure as any real estate agent. In fact, it can sometimes be even more secure, because there’s no middleman getting in between you and the sale of your house. 

Misconception Number Three: 

“Direct buyers won’t pay good rates.”

It’s a common misconception that direct buyers are only going to try to lowball you. While they will be offering you less than a real estate agent or another buyer might, that’s because you’re removing all of the fees and renovations in the house. Without any of the fees, mortgage payments from holding on to the house or anything else, you’ll usually end up with more money going with the direct buyer. 

Misconception Number Four: 

“Direct buyers only want homes that are expensive.”

This is another misconception that a lot of people have. A direct home buyer will purchase homes of inequality or price. When it comes to a direct buyer, they’re are more interested in how they can invest in the home than the value of it. An expensive home that doesn’t have any investment quality to it isn’t interesting to them.

Misconception Five: 

“Direct buyers aren’t going to work with people whose homes are being foreclosed on.”

This one also isn’t true, and in fact, there’s a lot of cases where direct home buyers will purchase the house and help prevent the foreclosure altogether. This can not only put cash in the homeowner’s pocket so they can figure out what to do next, it’ll also prevent their credit score from being severely damaged by a home foreclosure. 

Misconception #6: 

“Working with a direct home buyer is complicated and messy.”

This is another misconception that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, working with the direct buyer is the easiest possible way to sell your home. Because you’re working with a reputable home buyer, you’re not going through any sort of real estate agents. You’re not dealing with taxes and fees. You just get cash in hand. And if you accept the offer, you can close the sale in a week.

Why Should I Work With A Direct Buyer?

Now that we’ve gotten rid of the common misconceptions about working with a direct buyer, it’s time to take a look at a better option. Instead of working with a real estate agent, working with a direct buyer can be a much better choice in a lot of cases.

Working with a direct buyer can be much more efficient and effective than getting a real estate agent. You won’t be having to list the home on the market. There’s no showings to schedule, and you’re not waiting for buyers to come out of the blue to give you an offer. Direct buyers like us at Christian Buys Houses will give you an offer within a few days, and we can close within a week. This also means there’s no additional fees for real estate commissions. No additional taxes. We take care of all of that for you. And because we buy in cash, we give you the money that your home is worth right into your hand. Lastly, if you need to sell your home quickly, you. having issues like a foreclosure or because you inherited a house that you can’t keep. We work fast. If you’re interested in finding out more, give us a phone call at (770) 695-7368 or check out our about us page here

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